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2020 Presidential Election Biden Leads Trump By 18 Percentage Points

2020 Presidential Election: Biden Leads Trump by 18 Percentage Points

Latest Poll Shows Biden Expanding Lead

Biden Strong, Trump Faltering

The latest New York Times/Siena College poll shows Biden expanding his lead over Trump. The poll, which was conducted from Wednesday to Sunday, found that Biden leads Trump by 18 percentage points, 58% to 40%. This is up from an 11-percentage point lead in the previous poll.

The poll also found that Biden is strong among key demographic groups. He leads Trump among women by 22 percentage points, non-white voters by 41 percentage points, and voters under 30 by 20 percentage points.

Trump, on the other hand, is faltering. His approval rating has dropped to 38%, and his net favorability rating is now negative 14 points. This is down from a net favorability rating of positive 1 point in the previous poll.

The poll is a sign that Biden is in a strong position heading into the election. He has a large lead over Trump, and he is strong among key demographic groups.
